​ IT enables information to be shared across settings to better support patient care. Hence, GP Clinics must achieve a minimum level of digitalisation to participate in Healthier SG and to contribute data to the National Electronic Health Records (NEHR).  

The GP IT Enablement Grant is a one-time grant that supports GP Clinics to adopt a suitable Clinic Management System (CMS) under the CMS Tiering Framework for Primary Care. Please refer here for the list of published CMSes. 

Who can apply? 

All GP clinics focusing on primary care services that hold a valid general medical license under the Private Hospitals & Medical Clinics Act (PHMCA)*, or an outpatient medical service license, including those with remote service delivery under the Healthcare Services Act (HCSA)^ are eligible to apply.  

* Excludes aesthetics clinics, health screening providers and renal dialysis centres that do not also offer primary care services. 

^ Excludes pure specialist medical clinics that do not also offer primary care services.  

GP Clinics can apply for either of the two Grant packages below, depending on their participation in Healthier SG and state of digitalisation.  

Package 1

(For Healthier SG GP Clinics)

Package 2

(For Non-Healthier SG GP Clinics)

Funding Amount



Eligibility Criteria

1. On a Tier 1 CMS; or 

2. Will be adopting or switching to a Tier 1 CMS

1. Not on a Tier 1 or Tier 2 CMS at grant application; and 

2. Will be adopting or switching to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 CMS

Disbursement Criteria

Complete the following to receive funds:

1. Healthier SG data contribution

  • Perform transactions for Resident Enrolment using a Tier 1 CMS for any three months during the grant monitoring period; AND

  • Submit data for Health Plan or Care Reporting using a Tier 1 CMS for any three months during the grant monitoring period

2. NEHR quality data contribution

  • Submit relevant data types1 that meet quality data criteria for three consecutive months in the monitoring period by 29th February 2024
  • Submit relevant data types1 that meet quality data criteria for any two months between 1st February 2024 till the end of the monitoring period

Complete the following to receive funds:

1. Adoption of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 CMS

  • Demonstrate that the adoption of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 CMS occurred after letter of award acceptance

2. NEHR quality data contribution

  • Submit relevant data types1 that meet quality data criteria for three consecutive months in the monitoring period by 29th February 2024
  • Contribute all relevant data typesand meet quality data criteria for any two months between 1st February 2024 till the end of the monitoring period

NEHR relevant data types include Patient Demographics, Admission and Visit History, Discharge Summaries, Laboratory Test Results, Radiology Results, Medication History, History of Surgeries or Procedures, Immunisation and Allergy, where applicable

Grant Monitoring Period

GP Clinics will be monitored to determine if they meet the disbursement criteria listed for the Packages above. In the application, GP Clinics must indicate their desired “Project Start Date" for grant monitoring, and “Project End Date" will be 31st March 2025.

As monitoring is performed monthly, the Project Start Date must fall on the first day of the first monitoring month. The Project Start Date cannot be later than 1st October 2024.

GP Clinics should factor in the time required to adopt or upgrade their CMS, to ensure that they are able to meet the disbursement criteria during the chosen grant monitoring period.  

During the monitoring period, Synapxe will monitor the contribution of relevant data from the GP Clinics' CMS to NEHR and the Healthier SG systems (as appropriate), and report the result to AIC. AIC will notify GP Clinics and make the one-time payment after the disbursement criteria for the approved package is met. GP Clinics will not need to submit any claims to AIC.

How to appl​y

Applications for the grant via the OurSG Grants (OSG) Portal have closed on 30th June 2024.​

Overview ​

1. What is the GP IT Enablement Grant? 

The GP IT Enablement Grant is a one-time grant to support GP Clinics in adopting a Clinic Management System (CMS) under the CMS Tiering Framework for Primary Care for data contribution to Healthier SG and National Electronic Health Record (NEHR). 

2. How much funding can I receive? 

Healthier SG GP Clinics on Package 1 (adoption of a Tier 1 (Healthier SG-compatible) CMS) will be able to receive $10,000 and non-Healthier SG GP Clinics (adoption of a Tier 1 or 2 CMS) on Package 2 will be able to receive $3,000 upon fulfilment of the disbursement criteria. Please refer to the information on grant packages listed above for details on the disbursement criteria. 

Grant Eligibility 

3. Who is eligible for the Grant?  

All GP Clinics focusing on primary care services with a valid general medical license under PHMCA (excludes aesthetics clinics, renal dialysis centres, health screening providers and public healthcare institutions) or outpatient medical service license including those with remote service delivery under HCSA (excludes pure specialist medical clinics) are eligible to apply.  

4. I wish to join Healthier SG, and I am already on a HSG-compatible CMS before HSG launch. Am I eligible? 

HSG GP Clinics who are already on a Healthier SG-compatible CMS before the grant launch are eligible to apply for Package 1.

However, non-Healthier SG GP Clinics that are already on a CMS under the CMS Tiering Framework for Primary Care will not be eligible to apply for the Grant. You may find more information on the CMS Tiering Framework for here. 

5. My clinic applied for Early Contribution Incentive (ECI) before end Jun 2023. Can I still apply for the GP IT Enablement Grant? 

Healthier SG GP Clinics that have applied for ECI will still be eligible for the GP IT Enablement Grant. 

Non-Healthier SG GP Clinics that are already on a CMS under the CMS Tiering Framework for Primary Care will not be eligible to apply for the Grant. You may find more information on the CMS Tiering Framework for here. 

6. My clinic uses pen-and-paper for clinic operations and medical records, am I eligible for the Grant? 

Yes, your clinic will be eligible to apply for the Grant. Please refer to the table on grant packages listed above for details on the package that you wish to apply for. 

7. My clinic uses pen-and-paper for medical records, but at the same time uses a CMS for clinic operations. Am I eligible? 

Based on this circumstance, if you are intending to participate in Healthier SG, your clinic will be eligible to apply for the Grant under Package 1 (for Healthier SG clinics).  

If you are not intending to participate in Healthier SG and your CMS is not a Tier 1 nor 2 CMS at the moment, you are eligible to apply for Package 2. Please note that your clinic will need to transit to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 CMS for medical records to fulfill the disbursement criteria. Please refer to the table on grant packages listed above for details on packages and disbursement criteria. 

8. I am a telemedicine provider. Am I eligible? 

Telemedicine providers with a valid HCSA license offering primary care services will be eligible to apply for the Grant.  

9. We are operating a group of clinics under the same clinic owner. Will each clinic branch under the group be eligible for the Grant? 

GP Clinics focusing on primary care services, with a valid general medical license under PHMCA (excludes aesthetics clinics, renal dialysis centres, health screening providers and public healthcare institutions) or outpatient medical service license including those with remote service delivery under HCSA (excluding pure specialist medical clinics) are eligible for the Grant. 

Each clinic will need to submit its own grant application and be monitored subsequently for its fulfilment of the disbursement criteria.  ​

Grant Application

10. When is the Grant application window? 

GP Clinics can apply for the Grant from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024. 

11. How can I apply for the Grant? 

You can login via your GP Clinic's CorpPass to the OurSG Grants (OSG) Portal. Please refer to the Application Guide for the steps to submit an application for GP IT Enablement Grant.​

You are encouraged to use this checker to gauge the estimated additional timeframe to factor in for the “Project Start Date" for your clinic's grant monitoring period during your application submission.

12. Which Package should I apply for?  

GP Clinics can select either (Healthier SG) Package 1 or (Non-Healthier SG) Package 2, depending on their intention to participate in HSG and state of digitalisation. GP Clinics will receive the respective funding amount for the awarded package, after fulfilling the stipulated disbursement criteria. 

13. I do not wish to onboard Healthier SG but I intend to adopt a CMS that happen to be listed as Tier 1. Which package would I be eligible for? 

Your clinic is eligible to apply for Package 2 which has a funding amount of $3,000. Please refer to the table on grant packages listed above for the disbursement criteria.   ​

Disbursement Criteria  

14. How will I know if my clinic has fulfilled the disbursement criteria?  

All relevant data contribution through the CMS will be monitored through backend systems (e.g. SmartCMS gateway), hence GP Clinics should ensure that they have submitted the relevant web-service onboarding forms through their CMS vendors. GP Clinics will not need to submit any claims to AIC. AIC will notify GP Clinics and make payment to the GP clinic after the disbursement criteria for the approved package is met. 

15. I was informed that my clinic did not meet the disbursement criteria for the Grant. Can I submit an appeal? 

Please contact your AIC account manager for assistance.  

16. My clinic applied for both ECI and the GP IT Enablement Grant. How will the NEHR quality data contribution be measured for both grants? Will this be measured over the same grant monitoring period? 

GP Clinics that had previously applied for ECI should indicate this in their GP IT Enablement grant application, so that the relevant AIC and Synapxe teams can note the respective monitoring periods for NEHR quality data contribution. As these are 2 different grants with separate grant timelines, the respective monitoring periods for NEHR quality data contribution may not coincide for both grants. 
To qualify for disbursement after 1st February 2024 (following MOH's revision to the NEHR criteria), GP Clinics need to fulfil NEHR quality data contribution during the monitoring period from 1st February 2024 to 31st March 2025. Please refer to the table on grant packages listed above for the disbursement criteria. 

Grant Claim and Payment 

17. How soon can the Grant be paid? Can it be disbursed upfront first? 

If your clinic is eligible for disbursement, you would be advised by AIC to acknowledge the disbursement schedule in OSG Portal. After acknowledging the disbursement schedule, your clinic may expect to receive the grant payment within 8 weeks of the revised disbursement schedule date. 

18. How will the GP IT Enablement Grant be paid, and what can it cover? 

GP Clinics must link their preferred bank account to PayNow Corporate. AIC will disburse the grant in a lump sum via PayNow to the UEN of the clinic.  MOH does not restrict the utilisation specifically to offsetting the costs of CMS onboarding.  ​


Change Requests 

19. What should I do if my grant application has been approved but I would now like to make changes?

Please contact your AIC account manager for any change requests, such as the following:  

  • Change in grant package 
  • Change in CMS vendor 
  • Grant withdrawal 

​Your clinic may be allowed to formally submit a change request and restart the project period for data contribution monitoring, subject to approval by AIC/MOH. 

20. My application has been returned for editing. How do I access and edit the application?

Please refer to this step-by-step guide​ on how to amend your application. 


21. Can I adopt a CMS which is not under the CMS Tiering Framework for Primary Care?  

GP clinics must adopt a CMS published under the CMS Tiering Framework for Primary Care​ to be eligible for the Grant. GP clinics should select the CMS to be adopted based on their participation in HSG and the package that they are applying for. Please refer to the table listed above on grant packages for more details.  

22. I wish to switch to a Healthier SG-compatible CMS under Healthier SG. What should I look out for? I am worried that my existing data will be lost or unable to be migrated over to the new CMS. What can I do? 

You may refer to the GP's Guide to a Healthier SG-compatible CMS by MOH for more information for a seamless transition.  For more information on the Code of Practice for Clinic Management System data portability, please refer here​. ​

LOA Acceptance

23. My LOA has been issued, but I am unable to accept the LOA as I’m not the assigned grant acceptor on CorpPass.​

Please refer to this step-by-step guide on assigning the grant acceptor role to someone else on CorpPass.