Hypertension & Hyperlipidaemia8, 9, 10
Atherosclerosis/ Cardiovascular Disease6
Chronic Kidney Disease11 |
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Medical clearance may be recommended for exercise
Consider low protein diet (Limit to 2 servings of protein daily or <0.8g/kg/day)
For later CKD stages, ↓potassium, ↓phosphate & fluid restriction
BP Targets (clinic reading)10
<130/80 mmHg |
Always individualise treatment
Consider risk enhancers for CVD, potential benefits, tolerability of side effects of pharmaceutical therapies, life expectancy, and patient’s preferences. |
Aim <1.8 mmol/L or 70 mg/dL (ASCVD e.g., Stable IHD, ischaemic stroke, TIA, PAD, AAA, post-CABG, post-PCI)
Aim <1.4 mmol/L or <55 mg/dL (ASCVD – history of ACS e.g., MI, unstable angina)
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Medication adjustment/ reconciliation |
For obese patients, consider metformin (neutral effect on weight) and SGLT2-I or GLP-1 RA (weight reduction effects).
ACE-I/ARB recommended in patients with DM and DM with complications.
Avoid beta blocker monotherapy unless patient requires heart rate reduction or has cardiac comorbidities like stable IHD or AF.
Avoid thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics if patient is at risk for insulin resistance.
Watch out for postural hypotension in patients with hypertension and IHD from antihypertensives and nitrates.
Maximally tolerated statin +/- ezetimibe is indicated in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease including stroke and PAD, and complicated or treatment-resistant DM. Treat with at least a moderate intensity statin in uncomplicated DM.
Consider adding on T2DM medication with cardiorenal protective effects like SGLT2-I or GLP-1 RA.
Avoid thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics if patient is at risk for insulin resistance.
Watch out for postural hypotension in patients with hypertension and IHD from antihypertensives and nitrates.
Maximally tolerated statin +/- ezetimibe is indicated in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease including stroke and PAD, and complicated or treatment-resistant DM.
Consider adding on T2DM medication with cardiorenal protective effects like SGLT2-I or GLP-1 RA.
Adjust T2DM medication doses to avoid hypoglycaemia in patients with CKD.
ACE-I/ARB recommended in patients with chronic kidney disease, and/or proteinuria.
Maximally-tolerate ACE-I/ARB doses should be used in CKD patients.
Avoid beta blocker monotherapy unless patient requires heart rate reduction or has cardiac comorbidities like stable IHD or AF.
Avoid thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics if patient is at risk for insulin resistance.
Watch out for postural hypotension in patients with hypertension and IHD from antihypertensives and nitrates.
Maximally tolerated statin +/- ezetimibe is indicated in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease including stroke and PAD, and complicated or treatment-resistant DM.
Adjust fibrate doses in CKD stage 1-3 and monitor for myopathy. Avoid fibrates in CKD stage 4-5.
Avoid beta blocker monotherapy unless patient requires heart rate reduction or has cardiac comorbidities like stable IHD or AF.
Avoid thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics if patient is at risk for insulin resistance.
Watch out for postural hypotension in patients with hypertension and IHD from antihypertensives and nitrates.
Maximally tolerated statin +/- ezetimibe is indicated in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease including stroke and PAD, and complicated or treatment-resistant DM.