HSG and Forward SG Lockup.png 

What is Healthier SG?

Healthier SG is a major transformation of our healthcare system to promote good health, prevent chronic diseases and their deterioration, anchored by primary care and the community. 

It aims to focus on better health and quality of life for everyone, and encompasses 5 key features:

  1. Mobilise our network of family doctors
  2. Develop health plans
  3. Activate community partners
  4. A national Healthier SG enrolment program
  5. Set up the necessary key enablers to make Healthier SG work 


Healthier SG aspires to develop the next phase of primary care in Singapore, where:

  • Care for chronic diseases is embedded within the community and is proactively managed by family doctors and their care teams.
  • Health plans are well-coordinated through common care protocols, interoperable IT systems, and shared data;
  • Care is supported by local and community stakeholders, with coordination from the healthcare clusters, and most importantly;
  • Singaporeans do their part in preventive care and to stay healthy, through lifestyle adjustments.
Your role as family doctors is therefore critical to the success of this initiative.

The following materials may serve as useful references and help support clinic operations for Healthier SG enrolment.​

Healthier SG Coordinating Information​

To serve as ​a guide for Healthier SG clinics.​

Quick Reference Guide^

​​To provide key information for the administration of Healthie​r SG.​

​​Healthi​er SG Stan​dard Operating Procedures (SOP)​​

(Restricted Access)

Detailed operational reference and guide for Healther SG clinic staff and GPs​.

​​Healthier SG Frequ​ently Asked Questions (FAQs)​​

(Restricted Access)

Answers to common questions asked by Healthier SG clinics on implementation and operations under Healthier SG.

Healthier SG Care Protocols

To provide simple, evidence-based guidance for preventive care and the management of common chronic conditions, including available programmes and support.​

Primary Care Digital Services (PCDS) Guide

​A detailed step-by-step guide on PCDS functions.

You may view our PCDS training video here.

Healthier SG Clinic Training Part 1: Operations and Administration 

(Restricted Access)

​Training materials on Healthier SG Operations and Administration that were covered during the recent Healthier SG training sessions.

You may view a video of our training session here.

​​Healther SG Clinic Training Part 2: Financing

(Restricted Access)​

Training materials on Healthier SG Financing that were covered during the recent Healthier SG training sessions.​

You may view a video of our training session here​.

​Lifestyle Prescriptions

Support GPs in providing more tailored lifestyle advice to patients based on their medical condition(s) i.e. Diabetes, Hypertension and Lipid Disorders​

Guide to a Healthier SG-compatible Clinic Management System (CMS)​

Useful guide for clinics on things to take note of when considering switching CMS or onboarding a new CMS.

​Information and resources for National Electronic Health Records (NEHR) Data Quality Contribution Criteria​​

​Care Reporting Submission Information

Infographic providing a summary of guidelines for care reporting under Healthier SG.

Information on Digital Enablement for Healthier SG

^Hard copies have been delivered to participating clinics.​

The following materials a​nd resources in the Healthier SG onboarding kit are intended to help residents identify you as a Healthier SG clinic and provide details on their journey to better health, and serve as resources to support your care for them.

​Healthier SG Decal^

To be displayed at the clinic entrance to allow residents to identify the clinic as a Healthier SG clinic​.

​Healthier SG Po​ster in 4 languages^

To be displayed for residents to refer to for information on Healthier SG.

​Healthier SG Bro​chures^

For clinic to distribute to patients as a reference for information on Healthier SG.

​​Healthier SG Standee

To be displayed at the clinic entrance so that the clinic can be easily identified by residents as a Healthier SG clinic.

Health Plan Booklet^

For enrolees without smartphones, or who have difficulty using or are not using Healthhub to monitor their Healthier SG health plans.

GPs are encouraged to attach the Health Plan printout and Onboarding Questionnaire (if any) to Page 2 of the Health Plan booklet.​

Your patient's care team, including PCN nurses and community partners such as Active Ageing Centres (AACs), may assist your patient in completing the remaining pages of the Health Plan Booklet as they support the more in-depth conversations with your patient in reaching their health goals. 

Healthier SG Appoi​ntment Card​

​To indicate the next appointments for enrolees without smartphones, or who have difficulty using or are not using Healthhub.

Healthier SG Onboarding Questionnaire 

To issue to patients without smartphones, or who have difficulty using or are not using Healthhub, if required​.

​​Revised CHAS Referral Form^

​For direct referral of Healthier SG/ CHAS patients to:

​​Health Promotion Board Lifestyle Programmes Booklet

Provide top-line information for patients to self-help and join
community activities, and for GPs to pass the booklet to patients after consultation.

Information on Lifestyle Programmes for Enrolees​^

Information on activities available in the area that GPs can refer their enrolees to as part of their Healthier SG Health Plans.  You may also visit the Healthier SG Integrated Activities Portal for this information.

​​​Healthier SG Tele-enrolment Coordinating Instructions

Guide on how to tele-enrol patients to Healthier SG clinics.

What do GPs need to do in order to participate in Healthier SG?

Participate in Core GP Schemes

Family doctors must participate in CDMPCHASScreen for Life, and national vaccination programmes.  Clinics must also be Public Health Preparedness Clinics​ if and when activated.​

Join a Primary Care Network (PCN)​

Family doctors who are not in a PCN need to join one.  This will enable them to benefit from access to team-based care, including nurse counsellors and patient care coordinators, and peer support from like-minded colleagues to share best practices with, which is particularly useful during public health emergencies, such as COVID-19.​

Partner their Regional Healthcare Cluster

This means establishing contact and working closely with the healthcare cluster for the region: continuing to refer patients to the institution of the patient's choice; and working with the partner healthcare cluster to address local population needs and enhance the clinic's capabilities.​​

Adopt a Healthier SG-compatible Clinic Management System (CMS) and contribute to NEHR

Clinics will need to sign the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) Accession Agreement (AA) and apply for NEHR view-access for practicing doctors.

Clinics will also need to implement and maintain a Healthier SG-compatible CMS at its premises. Please refer here for the list of Healthier SG-compatible CMSes​. To find out more about adopting a Healthier SG-compatible CMS, please refer to this guide by MOH.

Achieve accreditation to become a Family Physician

Have at least one GP who is registered with the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) as a Family Physician (FP) and this FP should not be covering multiple Healthier SG clinics. This requirement takes effect from 1 July 2030

If you are interested in participating in Healthier SG and enrolling patients under the programme, please visit this link​.